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APRIL 25, 2023

Art of the Day by Scott Moore

We’ve been working hard on different designs and ideas for the laser machine. Our clients have brought us great ideas that we’re helping them take to market. Everything from wedding invitations, to lasercut Ketubah (wedding certificates) and paper cut art.

We’re finally really getting the hang of using the laser cutter for artistic applications.

A laser paper-cut wedding certificate with custom printed layer
A laser paper-cut wedding certificate with custom printed layer


This is a house we made with the laser cutter. We downloaded a pattern for a gothic house and then cut out all the pieces. It took three sheets of 1/8″ birch @ 24″x36″. We then painted the pieces and put it together.


Laser Cut Gothic House


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Epson printers vs. Canon Printers

We have used Epson printers for ten years now. And we’ve always used Colorbyte Software’s Imageprint as our RIP, and their profiles. Sometimes we would