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APRIL 25, 2023

Art of the Day by Scott Moore

Siolo Thompson is a self taught visual artist who lives and works in Seattle, WA. She uses multiple mediums and techniques in her work with a focus on draftsmanship and narrative development. A background in Comparative Literature aids Thompson in her quest to translate complex ideas, stories and emotions into the language of visual art. Thompson falls most neatly into the category of figurative realism though her work often dallies at the edges of other disciplines including comic art and animation.

Siolo’s first solo show titled “Girl in Landscape” is opening at Seattle’s Ltd Gallery, in October 2013. Stay tuned for sneak peaks of the new work! A selection of our favorite images is below:

"The Quiet and the Lost" 24"x36"
“The Quiet and the Lost” 24″x36″

"When the World Stood Still" 24"x36"
“When the World Stood Still” 24″x36″


"Nervous Nellie" 11"x14"
“Nervous Nellie” 11″x14″
"Cock Tease" 11"x14"
“Cock Tease” 11″x14″
"The Man Eater" 8"x10"
“The Man Eater” 8″x10″
"Ice Queen" 9"x11"
“Ice Queen” 9″x11″

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