Book Scanning
At Bellevue Fine Art Reproduction, we specialize in high-resolution reproduction of artwork and are excited to extend our services to include professional book scanning. Whether you have art books, historical texts, diaries, sketchbooks, or magazines, we can help you preserve and share your content with exceptional clarity and detail.
Art Books
Historical Books
School Notes
If you do not live in the Seattle area, you are more than welcome to mail your books to us for scanning. For instructions on shipping artwork, visit our Shipping Page for more information. Please note that our mailing address is different from our GPS address.
Mailing Address: 2940 112th Ave SE Bellevue, WA 98004
Our standard pricing begins at $1 per page, but we encourage you to contact us for a custom quote tailored to your specific project requirements. Factors such as the condition of the book, size, and complexity may influence the final pricing. Call us at 425-749-7396 or email us at [email protected]